January 7, 2009

excuse: good enough?

Well, maybe you'd say I don't have to apologize, but it was kinda sad.  I was just cruising along last summer and the move to our new house killed my cooking momentum.

So here's my excuse, aside from the fact that it took weeks to get floors and walls in and restored: Our kitchen is not yet done. We're working slowly with a local artist who works in concrete and wood to get some bitchin' counters in, and we won't be able to install our sink or hook up the dishwasher until the counter arrives. As a result, I offer you exhibits A and B below.

Exhibit A: Someday soon, a lovely, deep stainless under-mount sink will appear here, surrounded by a built-in drainboard and cutting board:

Exhibit B: The current dishwashing area. Appetizing, no? Did I mention that this sink is the nearest water source to the kitchen, and it's about 40 feet away. Try getting a roasting pan in THAT sucker.

Well, wish me luck. And while you're at it, any advice for these last stages of the kitchen renovation?

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